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Decentralized Delegated Proof-of-Stake (D2PoS)

Decentralized Delegated Proof-of-Stake (D2PoS) represents a sophisticated evolution in the realm of blockchain consensus mechanisms, addressing inherent challenges within the earlier iterations of Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS). While DPoS introduced a more energy-efficient and scalable alternative to Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus, it also introduced concerns about centralization due to the limited number of block producers, commonly referred…

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Fides Service Contracts: Unlocking Innovation and Monetization Opportunities

FidesInnova introduces a groundbreaking feature – Fides Service Contracts. Service Contracts are scripts designed to encode business logic between IoT devices, enabling them to communicate and share data without a central authority. These contracts perform the same functions as Smart Contracts, but specifically within the decentralized IoT domain. Executed through Fides Blockchain Nodes, Service Contracts…

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FidesInnova Mesh IoT Network (MIoTN): A Revolution in Connectivity

MIoTN protocol development fixed the problems of traditional Wi-Fi connections. Traditionally, every IoT device (node) needed direct communication to the user’s router. It caused connection problems with scaling and deployment in large areas and required expensive Wi-Fi infrastructure. In a mesh network, each device functions as an endpoint and simultaneously as a relay, creating a…

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FidesInnova revolutionizes IoT with a blockchain platform that supports automatic IoT device communication. Additionally, it features Service Contracts for seamless IoT data transfer and monetization, along with a Service Market offering a wide range of IoT services to enhance device functionalities.

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