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FidesInnova Tokenomics

FidesInnova revolutionizes IoT with a blockchain platform that supports automatic IoT device communication. Additionally, it features Service Contracts for seamless IoT data transfer and monetization, along with a Service Market offering a wide range of IoT services to enhance device functionalities.


FDS Token at a Glance:

Type: EVM-based (Ethereum Virtual Machine)
Ticker: FDS
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 FDS
Tags: Testnet, Proof of Authority (POA), 4-second block time


Token Strength:
  • Purpose and Utility of Fides Token (FDS): Fides Token (FDS) is the native token of the FidesInnova ecosystem, designed to facilitate various transactions, incentivize active participation, and govern the platform’s operations. FDS serves as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a governance token within the ecosystem.
  • Medium of Exchange: FDS tokens can be used to access various services and products offered within the FidesInnova ecosystem, including consultancy services, innovative solutions, and premium features.


In our Tokenomics document, we outline the strategic distribution of FDS tokens, ensuring a balanced allocation tailored to support the ecosystem’s growth, reward community engagement, and secure long-term development. Below is a detailed breakdown of the FDS token distribution:
1. Sale: 25% of the tokens are allocated for sale to the public. This segment is crucial for raising the necessary funds to support the initial stages of project development and expansion.
2. Seed Round: 5% of the tokens are dedicated to seed investors, who provide early-stage funding to kickstart the project. This support is essential for covering preliminary operational and development costs.
3. Private Sale: 15% of the tokens are allocated to private sale participants. This phase allows for strategic investors to contribute to the project, often with a vested interest in the success and growth of the ecosystem.
4. Incentivized Testnet: 5% of the tokens are reserved for participants of the incentivized testnet. This initiative encourages community involvement in testing and securing the network, rewarding contributors for their efforts.
5. Team: 20% of the tokens are allocated to the team, acknowledging their hard work, dedication, and ongoing commitment to the project’s success. This allocation is vital for retaining talent and incentivizing continued innovation.
6. Company: 25% of the tokens are kept by the company, ensuring a reserve that can be utilized for future operational needs, strategic partnerships, and unforeseen challenges.
7. Success Pool: An additional 30% of tokens are earmarked for the success pool, aimed at rewarding contributions that significantly advance the project’s objectives. This pool underscores the project’s commitment to rewarding achievements and fostering a success-driven culture.
8. Liquidity: 15% of the tokens are designated for liquidity purposes. This allocation ensures that there is sufficient market liquidity for FDS tokens, facilitating smoother transactions and stabilizing token price.
9. Marketing: 5% of the tokens are set aside for marketing efforts. This is crucial for building brand awareness, attracting new users, and supporting community growth.
10. Advisors: 5% of the tokens are allocated to advisors, recognizing their expertise and advice which are pivotal to navigating the project towards its strategic goals.
11. Fides Node Administrators: 5% of the tokens are reserved for Fides Node Administrators, who play a crucial role in maintaining the network’s integrity, security, and performance.


Vesting Schedule:
The vesting schedule is designed to align the interests of the stakeholders with the long-term success of the project:
– 25% of the tokens are released at the time of token distribution.
– The remaining 75% are linearly released over a period of 4 years, starting from the time of token distribution.
– Certain allocations are available immediately at token distribution, depending on the participant’s role and contribution to the project.


Sale Details:
– Initial Circulating Supply: The initial circulating supply is set at 2,500,000,000 FDS tokens.
– Initial Market Cap: The initial market cap at the time of public sale is estimated to be $2,500,000 USD.


-Private Sale Price: Tokens were offered at $0.08 USD during the private sale phase.
– Public Sale Price: The price for the public sale is set at $0.10 USD.
This comprehensive distribution and vesting approach is designed to support the FDS token’s sustainable growth, ensuring that all contributors are fairly rewarded while maintaining the network’s long-term viability and success.


Economic Incentives:

  •  Supply and Demand Dynamics: The value of FDS tokens will be influenced by the balance between supply and demand within the FidesInnova ecosystem. As the platform attracts more users and demand for services grows, the value of FDS tokens may appreciate.
  •  Liquidity Incentives: Incentivizing liquidity providers through yield farming or liquidity mining programs will ensure ample liquidity for trading pairs and foster a vibrant ecosystem for token exchange.


Tokenomics Governance:

  • Overview:

The FDS governance framework is designed to facilitate decision-making processes, protocol upgrades, and dispute resolutions efficiently and transparently. This framework leverages a council of validators, an advisory board, and community feedback mechanisms to ensure the network evolves in alignment with user needs and industry standards.

  • Governance Bodies:
Council of Validators:
Composition: A select group of reputable entities or individuals chosen based on strict criteria, including contribution to the network, industry reputation, and technical expertise.
Responsibilities: Validators are responsible for approving protocol changes, managing upgrade proposals, and overseeing the general health of the network. They also ensure transactions are processed efficiently and securely.
Advisory Board:
Composition: Industry experts, community leaders, and representatives from major FDS Token holders.
Responsibilities: The Advisory Board provides non-binding strategic recommendations to the Council of Validators. They play a critical role in representing community interests, offering insights into market trends, and suggesting improvements or changes to the FDS token ecosystem.
Community Feedback Mechanism:
Platforms: Dedicated channels such as forums, social media, and community calls.
Role: While token holders do not have direct voting rights, their input is invaluable. Regularly scheduled feedback sessions and structured communication channels will be established to gather insights, concerns, and suggestions from the broader community.
  • Governance Processes:
Proposal Submission: A select group of reputable entities or individuals chosen based on strict criteria, including contribution to the network, industry reputation, and technical expertise.
Review and Recommendation: The Advisory Board reviews proposals based on community feedback, technical viability, and potential impact on the FDS ecosystem. They then make recommendations to the Council of Validators.
Decision-Making: The Council of Validators makes final decisions based on proposals and recommendations from the Advisory Board. Their decisions are made public along with comprehensive rationales.
Implementation: Approved changes are scheduled and implemented by the development team. Significant upgrades may have a testnet phase to ensure stability and security.
  • Transparency and Accountability:
Public Record: All decisions, along with their rationale, are documented and made accessible to the community.
Regular Reports: The Council of Validators and Advisory Board publish regular reports detailing network performance, financials, and upcoming initiatives.
Revisiting Decisions: A mechanism for revisiting and, if necessary, revising past decisions based on new information or feedback ensures the governance model remains adaptable.
  • Community Engagement:
Regular Updates and Q&A Sessions: Scheduled sessions provide insights into the governance process and offer a platform for community questions.
Feedback Surveys: Periodic surveys to gather token holder sentiments on various aspects of the FDS ecosystem.
Compliance and Regulation:
  • Legal Compliance: FidesInnova will adhere to relevant regulations and compliance requirements in the jurisdictions where it operates, including data protection laws, intellectual property rights, and financial regulations, to ensure a safe and compliant environment for users and stakeholders.


Risk Management:

  • Security Audits: Regular security audits of smart contracts and platform infrastructure will be conducted to mitigate the risk of vulnerabilities and exploits, ensuring the safety of user funds and data.
  • Community Engagement: FidesInnova will maintain open communication channels with the community to address concerns, gather feedback, and collaboratively identify and mitigate risks, fostering trust and resilience within the ecosystem.


Exploring the Phases of FidesInnova:

  • Fidesinnova, our blockchain network, is structured into two essential components, each serving distinct yet interconnected purposes in the network’s development and functionality. These components are the testnet and the mainnet. The testnet functions as a controlled environment for experimentation and innovation, allowing developers and users to test applications, deploy smart contracts, and refine code without risking real funds or impacting the mainnet. On the other hand, the mainnet represents the operational backbone of Fidesinnova, where real transactions and operations are executed and recorded on the blockchain. It enforces established rules, consensus mechanisms, and security protocols, providing users with the confidence to transact with cryptocurrencies, execute smart contracts, and engage with decentralized applications. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the roles and significance of both the testnet and the mainnet within the Fidesinnova blockchain network.
  • Testnet: Fidesinnova’s blockchain network begins with the testnet, a controlled environment dedicated to experimentation and innovation. Within this simulated version of the network, developers and users can explore new ideas, test applications, and deploy smart contracts without the risk of real-world consequences. The testnet serves as a crucial tool for identifying potential issues, optimizing performance, and ensuring a seamless user experience. It enables developers to iterate rapidly, gather feedback from the community, and refine their products before deploying them on the mainnet. By providing a safe platform for testing without impacting the mainnet, the testnet accelerates the development process and minimizes risks associated with deploying untested code.
  • Mainnet: Once tested and refined on the testnet, projects transition to Fidesinnova’s mainnet, the operational backbone of the blockchain network. Here, real transactions and operations are executed and recorded on the blockchain, enforcing all established rules, consensus mechanisms, and security protocols. Users rely on the mainnet to transact with cryptocurrencies, execute smart contracts, issue tokens, and engage with decentralized applications. Its reliability and immutability foster trust within the community, driving widespread adoption of the network. Operating a successful mainnet is essential for the long-term sustainability and relevance of Fidesinnova, as it serves as the ultimate test of the network’s viability and functionality.


FDS Token Lifecycle and Role Definitions in FidesInnova:

The FidesInnova Token (FDS) the platform. Various roles interact with FDS, each contributing to the functionality and vitality of FidesInnova:
1. FidesInnova Users: These are individuals or entities who own accounts on the FidesInnova Node, wielding the authority to install IoT devices and assuming multiple roles within the ecosystem:
  • Service Developer: FidesInnova Users who leverage the Service Creator tool to develop innovative services tailored for IoT devices. These services are then published in the Service Market for other users to access.
  • Service User: Account holders who utilize services from the Service Market to enhance the functionality of their IoT devices or acquire specific information as per their needs.- Data Producer: Owners of IoT devices integrated with FidesInnova, enabling Device Data Sharing to contribute valuable data from their devices to the ecosystem.
  • Data Consumer: Users who benefit from the shared data generated by IoT devices, leveraging it for various purposes within their applications or analyses.
2. FidesInnova Node Administrator: Individuals or entities interested in participating in the FidesInnova community can set up a FidesInnova Node. The Node Administrator assumes responsibility for the management and operation of the FidesInnova Node, including its hosting and ensuring continuous operational functionality to support the ecosystem’s growth and stability.


In essence, FidesInnova thrives on a vibrant ecosystem where FDS fuels innovation, collaboration, and value creation. As FidesInnova progresses through its phases, it continues to redefine the boundaries of blockchain technology and pave the way for decentralized innovation on a global scale.

FidesInnova shared this Space with you

    FidesInnova is transforming IoT with a platform that enables verifiable computing and automated communication between IoT devices. It also includes Service Contracts for effortless IoT data transfer and monetization, and a Service Market that provides a diverse array of IoT services to enhance device capabilities.

    Copyright © 2024 FidesInnova Labs. All rights reserved

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